How we think, why we do it our way and a little expertise on Texas.

If You Want Your Story Heard in Texas, Sometimes You Have to Tell It Yourself
Whether you’re generating support for a new initiative or securing approval for a special project, ensuring your message reaches and resonates with the right audience is central to success in Texas. As the media continues to splinter and morph, it’s

Texas is Too Big for One Message to Work Statewide. You Have to Adjust for Your Audience
By Scott Dunaway and Travis Thomas The vastness of Texas is matched only by its variation from city to city and region to region. Industries, demographics, natural resources, politics and public opinion all vary depending on where you look in

In Texas, You Need a Customized Communications Plan Because All Issues are Local
The success you’ve had advancing your brand’s initiatives or tackling hot-button issues elsewhere in the country won’t always translate once you cross the Texas state line. Outsiders often need reminding, Texas is like a whole other country, and your communications

Playbook: How to Handle Negative Publicity in Texas
Negative news about your company or its initiatives can range from damaging to distressing to distracting. Handling bad press in Texas presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Developing an effective response to negative publicity requires properly diagnosing its

Make Friends Before You Need Them: The Importance of Coalition Building in Texas
By Scott Dunaway and Travis Thomas For your initiative to have any hope of gaining traction and succeeding in Texas, you need to be able to enlist others who will advocate on your behalf, garner support and encourage others to

How to Perfect Your Pitch When Seeking Media Play in Texas
You’ve got one shot to make your best pitch for media coverage in Texas, and if you don’t get it right, you’ll miss the strike zone. You need to understand how your issue will be interpreted by a media outlet.